Radoslava Švihrová

Image of Radka


Hi, this is Radka! Statistician by training, machine learning enthusiast. Currently a PhD student at the Cognitive Computational Neuroscience group located at the University of Bern and employed at the Biomedical Signal Processing group located at the Institute for Digital Technologies for Personalized Healthcare (at SUPSI) in Lugano, Switzerland. Previously I was employed at the Software Competence Center Hagenberg in Austria as a Researcher and Data Scientist. Originally I come from Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia.

My research focus is on applications of statistical and causal inference for lifestyle and sleep-wake circadian habits quantification from wearables fused with contextual information, aiming to improve and personalise adaptive reinforcement learning - based nudging in e-health mobile apps and evaluation of their effectivness. I am also interested in medical devices regulations and regulatory statistics.

In my free time I like to travel and discover new countries and cultures, do mountain sports such as hiking, skiing and skitouring or just relax with a good book. Recently I started to learn how to play piano.

In the section blog I am documenting my learning notes and anything I find interesting. In curriculum vitae you can find something more about me. Everything on this page consists only of my own thoughts and is not in any way connected to my current affiliation. Feel free to get in touch by clicking at the icons below!